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Tuesday Tidbits

  • 3 Miles on WATP (Walk Away The Pounds) last night.  Felt great.  I can so feel my legs and arms getting stronger.  I am noticing that my muscles are a bit sore, but in this case, sore feels good.
  • I had my annual physical a few weeks the blood work results back yesterday and I am thankful that all of my results are in the normal range.  Something to be happy about for sure.
  • Last night I started a pair of fingerless gloves/wrist warmers on my Knifty Knitter loom.  So fun to sit down at the end of the day and craft while catching up on The Biggest Loser.  Tonight is the makeover far my favorite episode each season.
  • Each year we do craft gifts between my mom and sister and I.  Usually I do two of the same thing, but this year each of them is getting something different.  I am so excited to get these projects started. 
  • November, where did you go...Christmas less than 4 weeks away!  I am excited, but I have a lot to do between now and then.  We typically host Christmas at our house.  So fun.
  • We started reward calendars for the kids last week and they are really grooving on them.  They get 10 cents for each star they earn.  They can earn up to $4.20 per week.  A fair allowance in my opinion for a 4 and 7 year old.  I have never seen them so excited to "clean for 10 min" or "make their bed"...I wish I would have done this a long time ago :)
  • Inspired by the kids' calendars, I printed my WATP calendar for December and will receive 10 cents per mile.  This way I can save up to buy more videos or gear to use in the videos.  I put it on the fridge with their charts...:)


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