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So, I am in week 8 of Weight Watchers.  I am loving the discipline that I have developed toward food. I am eating so many more fresh fruits and vegetables.  I have a pretty standard point value pattern throughout the day and have made some go to low point snacks when I "need" food. 

I have been working to plan more of my family's dinners and trying some new recipies.  The kids have not complained once about any of the new foods.  They are usually not too picky, but when food looks different than something that they have seen before, they usually clam up.  This is slowly going away as they accept that they usually enjoy whatever I put on their plate and I won't intentionally give them something to eat that I don't think they will like.  They are even learning that if there is a part of the meal that they don't like (for example, mushrooms in the pasta) they just put them to the side and enjoy the rest.

All this to say is that I think that I am well on my way to forming a good foundational habit for healthy eating.  Sure we have Dairy Queen, Chicago's Pizza and Mc Donalds on occasion, but it isn't the go to any more and I find myself making different choices (and not feeling deprived) while I am there.  Life is good...

Now for exercise habits...I have totally fallen off the wagon.  I was doing so good at getting up at 5am to work out and really enjoying some of that time alone; however in the past two months I have traveled twice for work and that change in routine wreaked havoc on my exercise habits.  Next week is the last week of school for Jeremy and I am looking forward to developing the 5am habit again, getting into work a bit earlier and enjoying my summer evenings with a neighborhood bike ride or walk with my family. 

I am losing weight so something is going right :)  Currently I am down around 9 lbs from January and about 6 lbs down from starting WW 8 weeks ago.  I have about 12 lbs left to my initial goal so more work ahead.  The good thing is I am enjoying it, it doesn't feel like a is a true life change.  Exactly what I was hoping for.

I will probably stay with WW Online until I am at my goal weight and maintaining for a bit.  I know it is a cost, but I need this habit to stick this time and this is working for me so I am going to stay the course and keep plugging ahead to be sure...



C. Beth said…
You're doing awesome, Ashli! Great job!

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