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Change is good...

The last two weeks have been a scheduling chaos.  With school ending, Memorial Day weekend and Jeremy being out of town, let's just say that my eating routine has gone a little haywire.  What perplexes me is that for the past two weigh-ins I have lost 1lb each week.

When I first started Weight Watchers, one of the articles that was recommended talked about changing up what you eat every so often.  It talked about how your body gets used to digesting the same foods at the same time of the day so a "dietary confusion" of sorts can help your body kick start metabolism and move off a plateau.  I didn't feel like I was reaching a plateau, but I definitely added some "dietary confusion" into my daily eating. 

They say the same for exercise, that "muscle confusion" can help kick start your body into shape more effectively as using different muscles, or even the same muscles in a different way helps to enhance the results of exercise.  This is the cornerstone for several of the 60-90 day programs like Insanity, P90X, Body Revolution.

Change is good...It is good for me!

I get so stuck in the need for a routine that I sometimes forget to intentionally flow with the change things and try to force the routine.  This leads to stress which leads me right into a depressive mindset that has me heading off to hide somewhere and pout.  I have realized over this past several weeks' journey with Weight Watchers, that I have achieved the most success when I am not so tied to a routine.  I still have go to heathly foods, but don't schedule out when I am going to eat what.

Going with the flow of daily life allows me to also go with the flow to add in healthy eating and exercise into that daily life flow...I don't stress if 4pm on Tuesday has come and gone and I am not in the gym, I know that I am going to make time for it soon.  And I do.  I don't stress if I have splurged for dinner and the hubby and kids want me to meet them out for a frozen yogurt treat to celebrate the end of school, I know that I will make good choices the next coming days to balance it out.  And I do. 

Living this way keeps stress at bay.  It is when I start looking toward tomorrow and reviewing yesterday that stress creeps back.  Living in the daily flow does not allow for this.  I have to continue to train myself in this way, but it sure is worth it when I can feel positive growth and contentment in relationships with others. 

Change is good...It is inevitable...God will be with me every minute...that makes me happy!


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