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It is time...

If you have seen The Lion King, you will get this, if not...well go watch it (even if you don't have kids or if they are is a great show!).

Simba has been through a tough road realizing who he is supposed to be and denying it time after time.  When he finally overcomes his enemies and dedicates himself to repairing the damage to his kingdom, wise old Rafiki says "It is time..."

Time for what?  How does this story make sense in my life? 

I have toyed around back and forth for quite some time on why I need to incorporate exercise and healthy eating in my life.  For the most part I do ok...I maintain and do just enough not ot have to buy bigger clothes or feel like a huge blob at the end of the day, but that is not enough.

For one, God gave me this body to do great things and doing "just enough" isn't going to cut it.  Secondly, when I am working to stay in shape and consistently eat healthy I just feel better.  I have more energy, better relationships with people because my attitude is better, I sleep better, my "drive" is more in tune if you know what I mean :)...

This summer, my company announced that it would sponsor employees who wanted to participate in a 12 week challenge with Nuvita, a company dedicated to wellness in the workplace.  The challenge started 5 weeks ago and it has been life changing.  Simple changes with big time results.  Not it my waistline (yet), or on the scale (yet), but I have more energy, my attitude is better, I want to work out, I even find myself laughing and letting go more.  The biggest impacts of this change involve drinking 64 oz of water each day, eating 5 small meals (consistent metabolic triggering) instead of 3 larger meals and working out in my cardio zone for a targeted amount of time each week.  In short, the program gives me goals...which I crave.  I think as humans we all crave goals, even if we don't say it out loud most of the time.

Anyway, I love this program.  Last week my husband came home with supplies for a 24 day challenge with Advocare.  He and I have been talking about this program for a while and he decided to give it a try.  Well, looking through the materials and the process for the 24 day challenge, I also decided I would give it a try.  He is contacting his rep today and so I should be getting all of my materials and starting the challenge later this week.  The concept fits nicely into the Nuvita program, but provides lift in the appropriate vitamin/mineral/amino acid levels to promot weight loss, something I haven't seen with Nuvita.  Nuvita's focus is wellness, I need to lose a few and trim up.  A couple of fears that I have is that my dietary habits will change and I'll have to start thinking even more about what I am shopping for at the grocery and be more conscious about going out to eat.  Also, the Advocare plan looks to replace coffee with a drink called Spark...exciting, but scary for a coffee drinker like myself.

So, "IT IS TIME" for me to take charge of my body and take care of it as it is the only one I have.  I am in this for life.  I am ready to "Roar" like Simba and watch my kingdom flourish.  As I do my part to protect and nourish what God has provided for me physically, God will be my strength spiritually.

Wish me luck!  I am hoping to blog the Advocare 24 Day Challenge if I remember to do it...:)


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