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Creative Outlet

We all need a creative outlet.  Something, or in some cases a few things, that allow us to separate from the day to day of our job and even parenting or connect with our own creative nature.  Even if you are tasked to be creative for work or if you are creative as a homeschooling parent, there is still a need for a creative outlet.

Creative outlets can come in many forms.  They may be quickly accessed and only take a few minutes to tap into, or they may be planned longer term and take time away to fully experience.  I think that there is a need for both.  Some examples of my creative outlets are:

  1. When I have 5 minutes - I keep a coloring book and colored pencils at my desk at work and take it out sometimes when I have hit a block and need a quick escape into something totally unrelated to anything.
  2. When I need an hour - Every 2 weeks, a group of co-workers and I meet in a conference room to knit or crochet for charity or personal projects.  Sometimes work is a topic so it truly isn't a complete separation; however, it does allow my hands and eyes to escape from the computer and keyboard for an hour and to connect with some co-workers I don't see too often.
  3. As a daily reprieve - I crochet/knit at home on a nightly basis.  Each night I try to do a few rows and relax as I move from day to evening.  I like to crochet/knit for charity and being able to think of the opportunity to give something to someone I don't know puts a smile on my face as I hope it will do to theirs.  
  4. When I want to retreat - I have been known to lock myself up in my room with a day of Netflix and some yarn to just knit/crochet the day away.  I have a friend who recently visited Brown County, Indiana and rented a cabin there for a weekend.  I am  hopeful that I will find the time to perhaps explore this as a creative retreat overnight someday soon.  
A couple of "rules".  Although there are really no rules to creativity, there are a couple of helpful things that I have found to keep the "habit" of creativity active in my life.

  1. Portability - it is important that at least some the tools of creativity are portable to meet the needs of  life.  I am not always in the same place at the same time every day so having a portable option ensures that when I need a creative break, I have something that I can take along wherever I may be going.
  2. Accessibility - "Out of sight, Out of mind" definitely applies with creativity.  I need to be able to see and quickly get to my creative tools or I risk getting out of the habit.
  3. Form a Habit - at the risk of making it sound like a "job" or a "task", work at the beginning to form a habit of creativity so that you will be able to look forward to the moment and get in and out of it quickly.  This way, when you are in creative mode, you can truly enjoy the moment or moments that you get.

Writing this blog entry today was a creative outlet to me.  I now feel happy to return to work a more focused and productive person.

Enjoy your day!



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